Just a few kilometres from Prato, in the foothills of the Calvana hills, we find the small rural village of Fabio. The area is of particular historical interest, as illustrated by the origin of the name Fabio,which is the name of an ancient Roman Family, ' Gens Fabia'. The Fabio agricultural Company is situated in the little village of Fabio and has been owned by our family for more three generations.
The area has a scenic landscape: the dark green of the woods contrasts with the light green of the meadows and slopes, with natural terraces dominated by olive groves.
It's an ideal area for hiking and for mountain-biking: the old shepherds' paths lead up to the top of the Calvana hills, an area which has recently been designated as a nature reserve. You can explore it on foot or by mountain bike, following the many footpaths in order to admire the landscape and the wide variety of plants and animals. There is also a riding- school near our farm if you would like to explore the area on horseback.
The two thousend olive trees produce a high quality extra virgin oil, and our bees make acacia and millefleur honey.
Our products are available for sale to our guests, who can decide to make dinner by themslves or can book breakfast and /or dinner: in this way, they 'll be able to try typical local meals and taste a good tuscan wine.
The Farm

Silenzio rigenerante nonostante la presenza di più persone che condividono questa esperienza consigliabile a tutti. Resta il desiderio di tornare per respirare aria pulita e contemplare il paesaggio circostante, allontanandosi solo pochi km dal centro città. Ottimo punto d\'appoggio per i più avventurosi.
Grazie ad Alessandra ed alla sua Famiglia.
The surroundings are exceptionally beautiful, the millennium old manor house blending in with the olive groves against a quintessentially Tuscan mountain landscape.
The flats are well-appointed, extremely well kept and as beautiful in their setting as the countryside around them. We both cook with local produce (including olive oil from the farm), but we also try to eat as much as possible at the farm. Alessandra is a magnificent cook and a wonderful hostess.
There is an abundance of things to do on the farm and locally (apart from just sitting and reading in the garden or on the patios), splendid walking (or running if you\'re that way inclined) in the hills around. Quick access to many of Tuscany\'s most attractive towns: Lucca, Pisa, Florence (of course), Vinci (warmly recommended) and Prato itself.
Can\'t recommend this place highly enough.
Ritornerò sicuramente
Non mi soffermo sui dettagli (camera, colazione cena) perche\' era tutto perfetto, difficilmente migliorabile.
Spero di tornarci presto.
Accoglienza ottima, struttura eccezionale!
Consigliato a chi vuole vivere un periodo di vacanza a stretto contatto con la natura!
The apartment was huge, very comfortable and was really well recently renovated.
Our hosts made us feel extremely welcome and went out of their way to show our kids around the farm and even gave them vegetables and eggs to cook with which they loved.
They make the most amazing olive oil which i am still using on my salads, the taste of it reminds me of il Ponticello, thank you for a great stay i will miss you!!
Un posto incantevole fra pace e natura, nel \"Ponticello\" la vita è men dura!
Davanti un panorama mozzafiato, sembra quasi impossibile, alle porte di Prato. Si stagliano sul monte casine appese nel cielo, limpido e di color turchese.
Fra faggi e castagni, sugli irti poggi, la storia si dipana da ieri a oggi. Piacevole è stata l\'ospitalità, serena discrezione e grande ospitalità. Grazie Alessandra!
famiglia Bartoletti, famiglia Borchi
Cosa dobbiamo dire dell\'accoglienza e della simpatia della signora Alessandra, cordiale, ospitale e sempre disponibile ad ogni nostra richiesta.
Siamo stati veramente bene.
Un grazie veramente di cuore ed un\'arrivederci a presto.
Famiglia Finamonti e Famiglia Foglietta.
Alloggi ben fatti e molto puliti, la Sig.ra Alessandra cura i propri ospiti con devozione.
Se ci sarà possibile torneremo con piacere!
Bello il sito e gli appartamenti, grande disponibilità degli spazi aperti.
Ottima accoglienza, cordialità.
One of the highlights was the breakfasts which were prepared by Alessandra. Everyday there was something freshly baked, along with fresh fruit, cheese, etc. As a special favour, Allesandra cooked a Tuscan lunch for our group and this was another highlight of the visit.
Il Ponticello is meticulously clean and has all of the facilities for a relaxing holiday. It has spectacular views across the valley and is located on an old Roman road, some of which is still visable. It is located close to very Prato and is idea to use as a base to discover the history of Tuscany including Florence, Prato, Lucca, etc. There is lots to do from site-seeing as well as visiting Wineries and sampling the wonderful Tuscan food.
Alessandra is full of knowledge about special places to see and visit nearby so we enjoyed every minute of our time there.
Il luogo, immerso nel verde, è semplicemente fantastico.
Gli appartamenti (insieme ai nostri parenti ne abbiamo occupati 3) sono curatissimi, puliti e molto accoglienti. La signora Alessandra - titolare dell\'agriturismo -, con la quale abbiamo interagito per la nostra accoglienza si è dimostrata sempre gentilissima e molto disponibile.
Cucina ottima e abbondante.
Di ugual parere l\'opinione dei nostri parenti.
Luogo incantevole, fuori dal caos della vita quotidiana.
Appartamenti curati e confortevoli.
Una colazione abbondante e variegata dolce e salato, biscotti, dolci fatti in casa e paste di pasticceria...c\'è n\'è per tutti i gusti!